Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Run no 14

Set out on my usual 3 miler, half way round the legs felt like ton weights and I felt I was running slower than I've ever ran since starting out running again. Overall time was about a minute slower tho my average heart rate had fallen.

Feel like I need a couple of days layoff to rest the legs tho the schedule wont allow it.

Hopefully tomorrow will go better.


  1. imho, your training schedule should be a rough guideline rather than a hard and fixed rule book. If your legs really feel like they need a day's rest, listen to them - I reckon it'll do you a lot more good than running a few miles because a piece of paper tells you to.

  2. Cheers MIke, reckon I'll do just that. I know I can be a bit of a stubborn old sod when it comes to sticking to schedules and stuff.
